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Cine Club - Love me if you dare

Wednesday 26 June - 6.00pm
At the Alliance Française

$24 / $21 for AFM members or students (please login to benefit from the discount)

In French with English subtitles
93 mins  (2003) Romance
Directed by Yann Samuell, starring Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet

Watch this #1 Hit French Romance while enjoying some French cheeses and wine, then take part in a discussion (in French or English depending on participants on the night).
If there is a French Romance Movie to watch, this is the one!

A whole life to say "I love you " to the person we love. 80 years to start a love story. And all of this because of a childish game or maybe thanks to it.
Sophie and Julien set up the rules of  the game. They will be, for the rest of their lives, the referees but also the victims. "Dare or not? " "Dare! " They dare everything for better or for worst. Tread upon taboos, brave the forbidden, defy the authority. They dare everything except admit their love to each other.
The game started with a childish bet to forget that Mum is seriously ill, and to forget that the class mates call you “a dirty Polish girl”.

As the years pass, the game becomes more and more intense as is the passion between them. They play, they love each other? A game or true love? It is so much simpler to be just friends.
Every time they answer " Dare! ", they say to themselves " I like you more that my own life ". "More than my own life?" -"I dare!"

All films are in French with English subtitles

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