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VCE French Immersion Day - 9 November 2013

Alliance française de Melbourne

Saturday 09 November 2013

From 10.00am to 4.30pm
At Alliance francaise de Melbourne

Join us for our final VCE Immersion Day for 2013 and practice your French for a whole day before facing the final exams.

You will spend the day in total immersion with our young and dynamic team of qualified French teachers and will enjoy a day packed with tips and practice.Throughout the day, students will focus on the written component of the VCE final examination (listening, reading & writing) and receive personal feedback from their teacher.

Perfect for VCE-units 3&4 students who would like to get ready before the final VCE exams!

Former students say:

"I came in lacking confidence and doubting my abilities; I left with a smile on my face and a much greater knowledge of French. Merci!"

"Excellent quality of teaching, very helpful! The classes really encouraged participation of everyone."

"I found the content very helpful - it cleared up a lot of things I was insecure about and it was very thorough but not too overwhelming."

"I feel a lot more confident about the coming exams after today!"

"The Alliance Française is a great way to learn French!"

From $145 ($5 discount online enrolment)
with a French-style buffet lunch included!

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