馃摙 New Students Save Up to $100 | Discover Our Welcome Offers for High School Students and Adult Courses
馃摙 New Students Save Up to $100 | Discover Our Welcome Offers for High School Students and Adult Courses
This workshop is suitable for secondary school teachers and will cover two related themes: First, how phonetics can help your
students to understand the French spelling system. Second: how to teach and correct pronunciation in secondary school classes.
During this workshop we will provide guidance on incorporating phonetics into your teaching materials to help your students achieve
correct pronunciation in French.
This is a professional development event for Teachers of French at Victorian government schools. Please RSVP from your school email
address. The event will take place at our Lonsdale branch : Flex by ISPT, 27 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.
This event is sponsored by the Department of Education and Training of Victoria.
A bient么t !
Full fee for teachers of French at non-government schools in Victoria : AU$ 98.00
Discounted fee for teachers of French at non-government schools in Victoria who are current AFM Members : AU$ 85.00
Current AFM Members, please enter the code AF MEMBER PDW at the checkout.
Interested in becoming a member? Please follow the link.
RSVP by 29 April 2023 12:00am