J'illustre mon poème
“Everything you can imagine is real.” Pablo
Years 3 to 6 students who are participating in the Berthe Mouchette poetry recital competition are invited to illustrate the poem chosen
with a drawing expressing their vision of their chosen poem.
Conditions of Entry:
Students are invited to produce an illustration on a one side A4 format, using coloured pencils,
textas, crayons or pens only. (No paint or collage).
The title of the poem must be indicated on the same side as the drawing. (a caption is allowed but should not exceed 5 lines).
The participant’s full name must be written on the back of the drawing, together with the year level and
the name of the school.
- Student details noted on the front of the drawing will be disqualified.
- The deadline for receipt of drawings is 1st August 2025.
Schools send the students drawings to the Alliance Française, Level 13, 55 Swanston St, Melbourne 3000
A jury, presided over by the director of the Alliance Française de Melbourne, and assisted whenever possible by a guest Artist,
will choose the best drawings to receive a prize and be displayed at the prestigious Awards ceremony.
So… Let your imagination run wild!